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Adverbs of frequency

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pete gets angry. (never)
Peter never gets angry.
Tom is very friendly. (usually)
Tom is usually very friendly.
Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)
Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen.
They don't play tennis on Sundays. (always)
They don't always play tennis on Sundays.
It rains in California. (never)
It never rains in California.
The weather is bad in November. (always)
The weather is always bad in November.
He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes)
He sometimes plays golf on Sundays.
I eat vegetables and fruits. (always)
I always eat vegetables and fruits.
Frank is ill. (often)
Frank is often ill.
You ..................................... (usually / be) at the sports centre on Sunday.
You are usually at the sports centre on Sunday.
I ..................................... (sometimes / be) nervous in math lessons.
I am sometimes nervous in math lessons.
Our teacher, Mrs Jones, .................................... (never / be) late for lessons.
Our teacher, Mrs Jones, is never late for lessons.
always / they / happy / are
They are always happy.
usually / in the morning / reads the newspaper / Tom
Tom usually reads the newspaper in the morning.
She sets the table.(never)
She never sets the table.
They are at home in the evening. (often)
They are often at home in the evening.
Ted reads magazines about fashion. (never)
Ted never reads magazines about fashion.
We speak English in English classes. (always)
We always speak English in English classes.
I / my homework / in my room / do / always
I always do my homework in my room.
Mark and Ted / books / always / read / before going to school
Mark and Ted always read books before going to school.
goes / never / my brother / cycling
My brother never goes cycling.
usually / is / hungry / Sam / after school
Sam is usually hungry after school.
in our house / cold / it’s / often
It's often cold in our house.
go swimming / sometimes / on Sundays / I
I sometimes go swimming on Sundays.