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Halloween Problem Solving

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your Mom has said you can only have one friend over for Halloween, because she’s already so busy with your younger sibling’s sleepover. You don’t think this is fair, especially since you have 3 close friends.
What do you do?
A group of students you don’t know have invited you to go trick or treating. One of them seems to think it’s really funny, because he’s laughing as another asks you to join.
What do you do?
Your friend has told you about his costume, but you’re not sure if it’s appropriate for school.
What do you do?
You and your friend worked out a matching halloween costume for a party you were both invited to…. but someone you’re very interested in getting to know better just invited you to celebrate Halloween at a different party.
What do you do?
You spent all day putting together your outfit, but, when you get to a Halloween party, you realize you are the only person wearing a costume.
What do you do?
Your close friend mentions wanting to play a trick on their boyfriend for Halloween.
What do you do?
Your friends all want to watch Halloween. The problem is, you don’t enjoy scary movies... but you don’t want them to know that.
What do you do?