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Halloween Math

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which famous Halloween Movie takes place in Salem, Massachusetts?
Hocus Pocus
Who is the star of the movie Halloween?
Michael Myers
What is a pumpkin called after it is carved?
Jack o' Lantern
What holiday is celebrated the day after Halloween in Mexico?
Dia de los Muertos
Who is Wednesday Addams uncle?
Uncle Fester
There are 3 witches. Each witch has 3 warts. How many warts are there in all?
9 Warts
What song starts with "I was working in the lab late one night..."
The Monster Mash
Who does Charlie Brown wait for each Halloween?
The Great Pumpkin
Omari's Flash costume costs $47.59 and his mask costs $12.89. He has to pay 11% sales tax. What is his TOTAL after taxes?
In what country did Halloween Start?
Who is the villain of the movie Nightmare on Elm Street?
Freddy Kruger
Name a character from The Nightmare Before Christmas
Jack, Sally, Zero, Oogie Boogie, Dr. Finkelstein, etc.
While Trick or Treating, Jerry collected 3 Hershey bars, 6 Snickers, 1 Baby Ruth, and 12 bags of M&M's. How much candy does he have in all?
22 pieces of candy
What is your favorite Halloween Movie?
Share with the class!
Twana has 6 classmates. She wants to bring each classmate 5 Reese's Pumpkins. How many Reese's Pumpkins does she have to bring in all?
Briana bought shoes for $24.29 and a hat for $18.07. She has a $50.00 budget. Did she stay in her budget?
Logan brought $20.00 to Aldi. He bought a bag of chips for $4.21. What was his change?
Which monster is the best dancer?
The Boogie Man
Nychelle worked at PetCo for 22 hours. She makes $11.37 per hour. How much will be on her paycheck?
Karen went to the Halloween store and decided to buy a wig for $29.50 and a costume for $36.44. How much money did she spend at the store?
What do you call a skeleton that lays around all day?
Lazy Bones
Nick wanted to buy a skeleton decoration for his yard. It cost $76.73. He paid with a $100.00 bill. What was his change?
Tyshawn decided to be a rapper for Halloween. He bought 3 gold chains. Each chain cost him $12. How much did he spend?
Jacob brought 28 pieces of Halloween Candy to school. He wanted to split the candy between 7 friends. How many pieces will each friend get?
4 Pieces
Cal wants to buy a hockey player costume for $28.99. Sales tax is 12%. How much will he pay in tax?