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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give 2 examples of Evaporation
What is condensation?
What is deposition?
Describe the process of changing solid to gas
Describe the process of changing gas to solid
Why does dry ice change directly into gas without passing the liquid state?
Give 2 examples of evaporation
Give 2 examples of condensation
In what temperature does water starts to boil?
100 degree Celsius
In what temperature does liquid change into solid?
Zero degree Celsius
Give to examples of freezing
Describe the process of liquid to solid
Give two examples of melting
Describe the process of solid to liquid
It describes how cold or hot an object is.
A change in state is called?
What is the main cause of phase change?
The temperature at which a solid starts to melt is called its __________.
How would the particles of a gas look compared to a solid?
What happens to the particles of a substance as it is heated?
Describe the motion of particles in a liquid
What happens to the particles in ice cream as it melts?
The size and shape of materials such as paper, clay and wood may change. Changing the size and Shape involves in what kind of change?
Can you change matter? why or why not?