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Adverbios de Frecuencias

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This phrase is correct :I always drink water
This phrase is correct : I never go to concerts.
This phrase is correct :Alaska always cold is
This phrase is correct : My mother never listens to rock music.
This phrase is correct :I rarely am bored.
This phrase is correct: We are always ready
order the words to make a sentence: Often/you / in / lake/ the / swin/ do/How/?
How often do you swim in the lake? (¿Con que frecuencia nadas en el lago?)
order the words to make a sentence: Ever/paella/Do/eat/you
Do you ever eat paella? (¿alguna vez come paella?)
order the words to make a sentence: I/always/arrive/don´t/time/on
I don’t always arrive on time  (Yo no siempre llego a tiempo )
order the words to make a sentence: usually/black/Does/wear/She
Does she usually wear black?  (¿Ella normalmente viste de negro?)
order the words to make a sentence: often/dance/the club/ in/You
You often dance in the club ( Tu a menudo bailas en el club)
order the words to make a sentence: holes/always/he/dug/had
He had always dug holes  (El siempre había cavado agujeros)
order the words to make a sentence: Has/She/written/seldom/books
She has seldom written books (Ella ha escrito libros rara vez)