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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My sister has a very smart dog. __________ ________ is very smart.
Her dog is very smart.
He has long arms and long legs. _______ ________ and _____ ____ are long.
His arms and his legs are long.
We have purple hair. ________ _______ is purple.
Our hair is purple.
The cow has a fat belly. _____ ________ is fat.
Its belly is fat.
I have a tall brother and a tall sister. _________ __________ and _______ ________ are tall.
My brother and my sister are tall.
You have a big ball at school. __________ __________ is big.
You ball is big.
My mom has a funny book. _________ ___________ is funny.
Her book is funny.
We have yellow pencils. ____ _____ are yellow.
Our pencils are yellow.
They have red apples. _______ ________ are red.
Their apples are red.
The school has big doors. _______ ________ are big.
Its doors are big.
The cat has soft fur. ________ _______ is soft.
Its fur is soft.
She drew a beautiful butterfly. ______ ________ is beautiful.
Her butterfly is beautiful.
We have a birthday party today. ______ ________ ________ is today.
Our birthday party is today.
You have a big head. _________ _______ is big.
Your head is big.
We have purple books. ______ ________ are purple.
Our books are purple.
I have new toys. ______ _______ are new.
My toys are new.
She has a cute dog. ______ ________ is cute.
Her dog is cute.
My grandpa has an old car. ________ ________ is old.
His car is old.
He has a pencil. That is ______ _________.
That is his pencil.
They have a dog. This is _________ ____________.
This is their dog.