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Gerunds vs infinitives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My parents didn't let me ____(go) out last Saturday.
My parents didn't let me go out last Saturday.
She always makes me _____(smile).
She always makes me smile.
We must ____(hurry).
We must hurry.
I can't ____ (drive).
I can't drive.
She doesn't seem _____(care) about him anymore.
She doesn't seem to care about him anymore.
He tried ______( do ) the exercise, but he couldn't,
He tried to do the exercise, but he couldn't,
He refused _____ (do) overtime.
He refused to do overtime.
My mom really wants _____ (have) a big garden.
My mom really wants to have a big garden.
I would like ______ (order) a chicken salad.
I would like to order a chicken salad.
They have never planned _____ (leave) for so long.
They have never planned to leave for so long.
She learned ______ (cook) when she was 8 years old.
She learned to cook when she was 8 years old.
We really hope ______ (see) you next week.
We really hope to see you next week.
Dan helped me _______ (paint) the room.
Dan helped me to paint the room.
Tom and Suzy decided ______ (get) married.
Tom and Suzy decided to get married.
We can't afford _____ (buy) this car.
We can't afford to buy this car.
I highly recommend _____(read) this book.
I highly recommend reading this book.
We really miss ______ (spend) time with you.
We really miss spending time with you.
They keep _____ (call). I can't stand it.
They keep calling. I can't stand it.
She enjoys _______ (travel) in her free time.
She enjoys travelling in her free time.
I really like _________ (swim) in the sea.
I really like swimming in the sea.
I don't expect you .................... (remember) all the names and dates.
I don't expect you to remember all the names and dates.
One of my employees failed ................... (meet) the deadline
One of my employees failed meeting the deadline
Jane offered _______ (drive) me to the airport.
Jane offered to drive me to the airport.
I decided ____ (watch) him and make him safe.
I decided to watch him and make him safe.
He promised_____(not tell) anybody.
He promised not to tell anybody.