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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I use this to put soup or cereal in.
a bowl
My Dad uses this to shave!
a razor
I use these in winter to keep my hands warm.
When I go shopping, I use this to carry things back to my home. 
a (shopping) bag
I use this to find places or streets in the city. It's made of paper.
a map
I wear these on my head to listen to music / mp3 player.
A referee uses this during a football match, to stop the game. W _ _ _ _ _ E
a whistle
I use this under my head when I sleep in my bed. 
a pillow
I use this to write a note and stick it somewhere.
I use this to keep my trousers or jeans up. It's made of leather.
a belt
I wear this when I ride my bike. I use it to protect my head.
a helmet
I use this to keep my books, school things and toys in. C _ _ _ _ _ _D
a cupboard
I wear this on my arm. It tells me the time.
a watch
I use this at night, on my bed, to keep warm.
a blanket
I watch sports or movies or cartoons on this.
a TV / television
I roll this to get a number from 1 to 6. I play games with it.
a die
I use this to wash my hands.
soap / hand soap
I use this to wake me up in the morning.
an alarm clock
I carry my school books and pencil case in this.
a school bag/ back pack
My teacher writes on this at school.
a board / whiteboard
I use this to drink tea or coffee.
a cup
I use this to sleep in.
a bed
I use this to put my pencils and markers in.
a pencil case
I use this at school. I can sit here and put my notebook and pencil on it.
a desk & chair
I use this to clean the table with
a sponge
I use this to lock or unlock a door.
a key
I use this to play football or soccer
a ball
I use this to cut my food.
a knife
I use this after my shower or bath to dry myself.
a towel
I use this to brush my hair.
a brush
I use this to eat ice cream or soup.
a spoon
I use these to cut paper!
I use this to drink water or juice.
a glass
I use this to paint with.
a paint brush
It's something I can read.
a book
I use this when it rains, to keep dry.
an umbrella
I use this to wash my hair.
I use this to sharpen my pencil.
a sharpener
I use this at school, to draw a line.
a ruler
I use this to erase.
an eraser
I use this to write with.
a pencil / pen
I use this to take photos!
a camera
I use this to eat spaghetti or salad.
a fork