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Comparatives and superlatives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Pearl City is one of the world's ___________ (interesting) places. It's boring and there's nothing to do.
least interesting
Sevilla is ________ (expensive) than London. My monthly rent in Sevilla is 600€ a month, but in London it was 1,200 a month!
less expensive
This year we have _____ (a little) homework and ______ (a few) exams than last year.
less homework / fewer exams
London is _______ (far) than Salamanca
farther / further
Who is ________ (intelligent) person you know?
the most intelligent
Who is _______ (good-looking) actor on TV?
the most good-looking / the best-looking
What is ________ (beautiful) city in your country?
the most beautiful
What is _________ (bad) day in/of the week?
the worst / of
What is _______(good) day in / of the week?
What is the best day of the week?
The USA / The UK (much, big)
The USA is much bigger than the UK.
Cycling / skiing (much, easy)
Cycling is much easier than skiing.
Which is _______ (long) day of the year?
the longest
Who is __________ (friendly) person in / of this class?
the friendliest / the most friendly / in
Learning English / much/ hard/ learning maths
Learning English is much harder than learning maths
Documentaries / much/ interesting / reality shows
Documentaries are much more insteresting than reality shows.
Online classes / bad / in-person classes
Online classes are worse than in-person classes
Video games / dangerous / social media (the same)
Video games are as dangerous as social media.
Taylor Swift / good / Harry Styles
Taylor Switf is better than Harry Styles / Taylor Swift is as good as Harry Styles
Horror films / scary / comedies
Horror films are scarier than comedies.