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Comparatives & Superlatives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the past, people always said that "the more, the better." But nowadays, we would say, "the _______, the better."
Our noisy neighbors are getting _________ and _________. I can't stand anymore.
noisier, noisier
My mother says I do not look _________ my identical twin brother. My eyes are like hers, but his are like Dad's.
the same as
I'm Molly. Mark, Jane, and I are good friends. However, ________. (A) Mark likes Jane more than I do. (B) Mark likes Jane more than he likes me. (C) Mark likes Jane as much as I do. (D) Mark likes Jane as much as he likes me.
I finished my homework at school, so I had nothing to do now. Tonight, I'm sure I could go to bed ________ than Jenny, Maggie, and Peggy.
The woman with a walking stick looks older than _________.
all the other people
The man in suit has _________ hair of all.
the least
The man with blonde hair is far _________ than the other one.
stronger/ heavier
Jay's new hairstyle is not as fashionable as his brother's. = Jay's new hairstyle is ___________ than his brother's.
less fashionable
My smartphone costs twice __________ yours. (expensive)
as expensive as
Ms. Letter asked, "Is your earache getting better?" "No, it's getting _______," replied Joe.
With a smile, Kay said, "There's _______ highway traffic today than there was yesterday."
She was afraid of getting fatter, so she ate _________ French fries than me.
Susan is _________ of the three children.
the eldest/oldest
The weather this week is _________ better than last week.
much, even, a little, a lot, far
I was ________ than my sister before, but now I'm less ________ than her. (thin)
thinner, thin
For me, playing sports is more fun than ________ the piano. (play)
New York City is __________ than she expected it to be. (big)
Tim likes his dad ________ than his mom. (very much)