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Life in the sea

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it's a fish, it's small but it can be very big and round, when it wants to scare you.
a puffer fish
It's not an animal, but animals can live inside it. It's hard. You can find it on the beach.
a shell
It's a fish. It's big and dangerous.
a shark
It's a fish and it's a girl. It lives in the water.
a mermaid
It's a bird, it lives near the seal. It's white and big.
a seagull
It lives in the water, it can't swim. It's very colourful. It's not an animal.
a coral reef
It's a sea plant.
It's bigger than the dolphin. It's grey or black and white.
a whale
It's a star, but you can't find it in the sky.
a starfish
It's a fish, but it can't swim, it floats in the water. If you touch it, it hurts.
a jellyfish
It's got a hard shell, it's small and red.
a crab
It's a horse but you can't ride it.
a seahorse
It's red, it's got a hard shell and claws. You can eat it in a restaurant.
a lobster
It's not a fish, but it likes eating fish. It likes laying in the sun.
a seal
It's not a fish, but it lives in the sea. It can jump and it's very intelligent.
a dolphin