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Grammar 7

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Identify the kins of sentence.) Ask the cook for the recipe.
(Identify the kins of sentence.) I want to know why you believe that.
(What is the object in the sentence? Identify whether it's DO, IO, or OP) We all love to eat at Foodarama.
(What is the object in the sentence? Identify whether it's DO, IO, or OP) Noel gave Beatrice new baking sheets for Chistmas.
Beatrice= IO / baking sheets=DO / Christmas=OP
(What is the object in the sentence? Identify whether it's DO, IO, or OP) Marite bought Mike a hat and apron.
Mike=IO / hat and apron=DO
(What is the object in the sentence? Identify whether it's DO, IO, or OP) Nana gave the freshly made spring roll to Teresa.
spring rolls= DO / Teresa= OP
(What is the subject?) Above us exploded colorful fireworks.
The batch of cute, little cupcakes (is, are) ready to be sold.
The [batch] of cute, little cupcakes [is] ready to be sold.
The San Juanico Bridge, as well as several other bridges, (connect, connects) Leyte to Samar province.
[The San Juanico Bridge], as well as several other bridges, [connects] Leyte to Samar province.
My mom's laptop with her purse (was, were) left in the car.
My mom's [laptop] with her purse [was] left in the car.
Either (to be) Either of the books are a good reference.
Either of the books is a good reference.
(attend) Several students __________ reading at the library every Saturday.
(discuss) The book on animals _________ the very real danger of extinction.
(live) The poor in the cities ________ in slums.
(plan) Mrs. Santos and her husband _________ to attend.
(be) No one ________ allowed to enter the premises.
Mike and Luis are joining his field trip to Laguna.
[Mike and Luis] are joining [their] field trip to Laguna.
Sheila listened to the news on his radio.
[Sheila] listened to the news on [her] radio.
Each girl must submit their report before dismissal.
[Each girl must] submit [her] report before dismissal.
Miguel or Romeo will donate _________ salary to build the school.
[Pronoun Antecedent] Neither Mark nor Paul bought _________ shirt from that store.
[Pronoun Antecedent] Consuelo is goin to _________ friend's house tomorrow.
[SS/SP/CS/CP] Would they prefer catsup or mayonnaise with their hotdogs?
they=Simple Subject / prefer= Simple Predicate
[SS/SP/CS/CP] At six o'clock each day, Consuelo feeds and walks the dog.
Consuelo=Simple Subject / feeds and walks=Compound Predicate
[SS/SP/CS/CP] John and Albert cleaned the office and the stockroom.
John and Albert= Compoud Subect / cleaned=Simple Predicate
[SS/SP/CS/CP] Noel took his dog and cat to the veterinarian this morning.
Noel= Simple Subject / took= Simple Predicate
[Subject & Predicate] Davao City is the largest city in the Philippines.
Subject = Davao City / Predicate= is
[Subject & Predicate] The lady with the pink umbrella is standing in the rain.
Subject = lady / Predicate= is standing
[Subject & Predicate] Susan's motorbike didn't start this morning.
Subject = motorbike / Predicate= didn't start
[Subject & Predicate] The dog likes playing in the park.
Subject = dog / Predicate= likes playing
[Subject & Predicate] Michelle is cooking Japanese food tonight.
Subject = Michelle / Predicate= is cooking
[Subject & Predicate] At the movie yesterday, I had a terrific time.
Subject = I / Predicate= had
Two children of Toglai and Toglibon went to the south, seeking a home and they carried with them women's baskets (baraan).
Two children (determiner+noun)
I haven't got (some/ any/ many) pictures in my album.
From afar, I could see my classmates pick up ( this/that the) trash on the side walk.