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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I sometimes study English. (How often ...?)
How often do you study English?
My friends and I watch movies on Saturday. (When?)
When do your friends and you watch movies?
I go shopping at the mall. (Where?)
Where do you go shopping?
I play sports with my brother. (Who?)
Who do you play sports with?
I eat out on Friday night.(What?)
What do you do on Friday night?
I take the bus to class. (How?)
How do you get to class?
He's ten years old.
How old is ...?
Oh, that's my brother Ignacio.
Who's that/he?
My classmates? They're all smart.
What are your classmates like?
No, she doesn't. She lives an hour away.
Does ... live near hear?
We usually go shopping or have lunch.
What do you and ... do in your free time?
Yeah, they are. My grandparents are from here, too.
Are your parents from here?
Turquoise. And I like blue, too.
What's your favorite color?
No, I don't. I usually use my dad's car.
Do you have a car?/Do you take the ... to class?
She works at a software company.
What does ... do?/Where does ... work?
No, I'm not. I have a brother and a sister.
Are you an only child?