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past simple versus past perfect

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Even though James _____________ (meet) my wife several times, I ____________ (not / meet) his yet.
had met, hadn't met
How many times ____________ (Tom ring) the bell before they __________ (answer) the door?
had Tom rung, answered
He awoke thinking he was in a prison and that he'd been arrested for robbery. He then realised that it ___________ (all/be) just a bad dream.
had all been
got to work this morning and ___________ (be) angry when I saw that no one _________ (arrive) yet.
was, had arrived
I gave my friend directions to my house, but later realised that I______________ (forgot) to give her the exact address.
had forgotten
There was a terrible atmosphere in the room. They ____________(have) an argument just before I came.
had had
While I was away on holiday, my sister __________ (fall) ill and I had to come home.
They left Paris last week and they ______________ (arrive) here yesterday.
She____________ (see) a photo of his penpal before, so she ____________ (recognize) him easily
had seen, recognised
When he___________ (arrive) at the station, he found that the train _________________ (leave).
arrived, had left
When I ____________ (marry) Helena in 2007, I _________________(be)married three times before.
married, had been
I got to the cinema and a minute later the film ________________ (start) .
When her friends _________ (get) to the cinema, the film ____________ (start)
got, had started
He _________ (ask) me which animals I ___________ (see) in Africa.
asked, had seen
Susan _____________ (turn on) the radio after she ___________ (wash) the dishes.
turned on, had washed
He _____________ (live) in Paris for 10 years when he _____________ (decide) to buy his own flat
had lived, decided
I ____________ (open) the fridge to find that someone _____________ (eat) all my chocolate
opened, had eaten
I __________ (know) my husband for three years when we _________ (get) married.
had known, got
After arriving home, I ____________ (realise) I ________________ (not buy) any milk.
realised, hadn't bought
Julie was very pleased to see that John _______________ (clean) the kitchen.
had cleaned
John____________ (play) the piano when he was a child, but he doesn't play now.
When I ___________ (open) the curtains the sun was shining and the ground was white. It ____________ (snow) during the night.
opened, had snowed
When I ____________ (get) to the airport I discovered I ____________ (forget) my passport
got, had forgotten
Last year Juan _________ (pass) all his exams.