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Bible People

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I could have been a snack for the lions, but God protected me.
I was the only Judge that was a woman
Because I didn't listen to God the first time, I spent a few days in the belly of a whale.
I spent some time in a boat while God cleansed the world.
God promised my wife and I a child even though we were 100 years old!
I was a shepherd as a boy, fought a giant, and grew up to be the greatest King of Israel. I also really like music and wrote a LOT of songs.
I am a Jewish girl who married a king and saved my people from the evil Hamaan.
Queen Esther
I led my people out of Egypt in the great Exodus.
I was rich and Satan took everything from me including my family and health. God demonstrated faithfulness and even when I had nothing, I praised the Lord!
My story is found in the book of Genesis. I was sold into slavery by my brothers. God did amazing things in my life.
We helped our fellow Israelites rebuild the wall and temple in Jerusalem.
Ezra and Nehemiah
We lived in the Garden of Eden until we messed up. Big time!
Adam and Eve
I could have asked God for anything in the world, but I asked for WISDOM.
King Solomon