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2A7 _ Two - step math word problem

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many more children choose bananas than grapes, as their favourite fruit?
How many children choose grapes and pears as their favourite fruit?
How many children choose bananas as their favourite fruit?
10 bananas
How many children choose apples as their favourite fruit?
8 apples
Chip baked 45 cookies for the bake sale. His sister ate 7 of them. How many cookies are left?
A photographer takes 78 photos in a day. She takes 34 in the morning and 26 in the afternoon. She takes the rest of the photos in the evening. How many photos does she take in the evening?
18 photos
A teacher collects 28 balls for a PE lesson. There are 3 colours of ball. There are 13 blue balls and 8 green balls. How many red balls are there?
7 balls
In a school kitchen, the cook has 53 pie trays. She makes meat pies and vegetarian pies. The cook uses 16 trays for the meat pies and 23 trays for the vegetatian pies. How many trays are not used?
14 pie trays
A greengrocer hax a box of apples. In the morning he sells 27 apples. In the afternoon he sells 41 apples. At the end of the day there 23 apples left in the box. How many apples were there at the start of the day?
91 apples
Lyly has 36 cookies. She gives 9 cookies to some friends. And she buys 21 cookies. How many cookies she have now?
48 cookies