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A Christmas Carol - Chapter 2

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What did Scrooge see through the window when Marley left?
He saw many other ghosts with chains.
What time was the third ghost coming to visit Scrooge?
The next night after the second ghost at midnight.
What time was the second ghost coming to visit Scrooge?
At the same time next night.
What time was the first ghost coming to visit Scrooge?
At one o'clock.
What places is Marley visiting now?
Only sad places. He wasn't happy.
Why was Marley's ghost wearing big chains?
Because he made them when he was alive. He only loved money. He never loved anyone.
What did Marley's ghost tell Scrooge?
He told him he needed to be with other people and he happy with them
How did Scrooge feel when Marley cried loudly?
He was really afraid and fell down on the floor. He cried for help.
Why did scrooge think he saw Marley's ghost?
He thought he ate a bad piece of meat or cheese.
What did Scrooge say when he saw Marley's ghost?
He asked "Who are you?" "What do you want?"
How did Marley's ghost look like?
There was a big chain around him, on the chain money bags, boxes and keys.
What came through the big door into the room?
It was Marley in his old clothes.
What did Scrooge hear while resting by the small fire in the sitting room?
He heard the noise of a heavy chain.
How were the rooms in the house?
The rooms in the house were dark and cold.
Where did Scrooge live?
He lived alone in Marley's old house.
Where did Scrooge have Christmas dinner?
He had dinner at a cheap eating place.