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Anne Frank - Chapters 1 & 2

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Why was Otto Frank angry when Hello brought Anne back home?
Because it was ten past eight and it was dangerous to be out after eight o'clock.
What does Hello Silberberg's grandmother think about Anne?
She doesn't like their meetings and he lies to see her.
What was the name who invited Anne to walk with him to school?
Hello Silberberg.
Why did Anne have to walk from school to the dentist?
Because Jews were not allowed to use a bus or a train.
Why was Anne's teacher angry?
Because she talked too much in class.
Which year did the war start?
How old was Margot (Anne's sister)?
She was 16 years old.
Why did Anne need a diary?
Because she felt alone and she had no real friends.
Why did Anne want to write?
She wanted to bring out so so many things that lied deep in her heart.
What presents did she get?
Her diary (Kitty), a blouse, roses, a game, a bottle of juice, cake at school.
When was Anne's birthday?
June 12
What were some of the prohibitions for Jews?
They needed to be home by eight PM , they couldn't go to the cinema, they must shop from Jewish stores only, they must wear a yellow star, Jewish schools only.
What was the first country invaded by the Germans?
Who was leading the Nazi party in Germany at the time of the war?
Adolf Hitler
What were the Germans doing to the Jews?
Arresting them and sending them to die.
Where was Anne living during the WW2?
In Holland
What was Otto Frank company's name?
How old was Anne Frank when she started writing?
13 years old.