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Frankenstein Chapters 1 & 2- revision

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Victor want to know?
He wanted to know the secrets of life, most of all, how to make living things.
Who was Victor's best friend?
Henry Clerval
What did he discover during the storm?
He discovered how strong electricity was.
What kind of student was Victor?
He studied really hard at school.
What was Victor nanny's name?
How did Elizabeth became Victor's sister?
She was adopted from a poor home.
What were Victor siblings' names?
Elizabeth, Ernest and William.
How many brothers and sisters did Victor have?
One sister and two brothers.
What kind of parents did Victor have?
Loving parents
Where was Victor born?
What was the name of the ship's captain?
Captain Walton
Where did the sailors find Victor?
They found him next morning sitting on the floating ice.
What did the sailor see when he stood at the top of the mast?
He saw something moving on the ice (a big figure).