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Famous places - True or False

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The Clérigos Tower in Porto has 125 steps
False - it has 225 steps
The Statue of Liberty, in New York was a gift of friendship from Spain
False - it was a gift of friendship from France
The Colloseum Amphi Theatre in Rome could house 55,000 spectators
True - performances were brutal games between wild animals, criminals and slaves
During cold weather, the Eiffel Tower in Paris grows by about 6 inches
False - it actually shrinks (gets smaller) by about 6 inches
Times Square is named after The New York Times newspaper
Buckingham Palace in London has 400 rooms
False - there are 775 rooms in Buckingham Palace
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is considered an engineering feat and in 2001 was reopened when engineers succeeded in reducing the tilt
The Vatican City is the smallest country in the world
True - the Pope lives there
The Sydney Opera House in Australia was designed in a competition
True - Danish architect Jørn Utzon won the competition with his design
Christ the Redeemer, the art deco statue that watches over Brazil in Rio de Janeiro was erected by engineers between 1922-1931
The Taj Mahal monument in India is made of intricately carved white marble
True - the marble is inlaid with semiprecious stones and gems
The Acropolis Fifth Century Marble Master piece is literally the "lowest point" in Athens, Greece
False - it is literally the "highest point" in Athens, Greece