Edit Game
Possessive Practice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The cows bodies are white and black.
The cows' bodies are white and black.
The foxes tails are orange and white.
The foxes' tails are orange and white.
The oxen legs are very large and strong.
The oxen's legs are very large and strong.
The girls backpacks are pink.
The girls' backpacks are pink.
The boys pictures looked nice.
The boys' pictures looked nice.
The spider legs are black and long.
The spider's legs are black and long.
The snake mouth is very large.
The snake's mouth is very large.
The alligator tail is very long and green.
The alligator's tail is very long and green.
The shop lights were not working.
The shop's lights were not working.
My Grandmother birthday is next week.
My Grandmother's birthday is next week.
The police officer car is blue.
The police officer's car is blue.
Michael food is not tasty.
Michael's food is not tasty.
The students homework is hard.
The students' homework is hard.
My brother room is bigger than my room.
My brother's room is bigger than my room.
The person cat is scared.
The person's cat is scared.
The house rooms are small.
The house's rooms are small.
The girl dolls are pretty.
The girl's dolls are pretty.
Kevin hair is long.
Kevin's hair is long.
The dog toys are old.
The dog's toys are old.
The children books are green.
The children's books are green.