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A Christmas Carol - Chapter 1

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When Bob said Christmas was a good time, what did Scrooge say?
"If you say another word, you'll lose your job!"
Where did Fred invited his uncle ?
He invited him for Christmas dinner
Why wasn't Ebenezer happy at Christmas?
Because he didn't make any money at Christmas.
Was Fred rich or poor?
What did Ebenezer say when his nephew came to the office and said "Merry Christmas uncle!"?
"Bah!" "Humbug!"
How was Bob Crachit's office?
A small room next to Ebenezer's office.
Who was Bob Crachit?
He was a clerk.
How was the weather on Christmas Eve in London?
It was very cold.
Scrooge wanted friends and he didn't want to be alone?
False: He didn't want to have friends
How did Scrooge feel when people didn't talk or say hi to him?
He felt happy about it
Say true or false. People stopped Scrooge on the street to say " Hello dear Scrooge! How are you?"
What kind of man was Scrooge?
He was a miser with no friends.
What did Scrooge love the most?
What names were written on the office door?
Marley & Scrooge