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Creepy grammar

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Let's bake pumpkin pie! My aunt (właśnie mi wysłała) a recipe.
has just sent me
I hate (oglądać) scary films!
I don't think black cats (sÄ…) scary.
Are you (bardziej) afraid of mummies or snakes?
Watch out! The bats (właśnie się obudziły).
have just woken up
Lots of pumpkins (sÄ… kupowane) every year in October.
are bought
This horror film (został wyreżyserowany) by my uncle!
was directed
(chodźmy) to the cemetery at midnight!
Let's go
The vampire (wyglądał) so real!
What (byś zrobił) if you woke up in a coffin?
would you do
What would you do if you (zobaczyłbyś) a ghost?
Hold on! (kończę) my costume!
I'm finishing
(Ile) sugar do you need to bake these cupcakes?
How much
(Ile) pumpkins did you buy?
How many
Trick-or-treating is (dużo fajniejsze) than pumpkin carving.
much more fun
(Nigdy nie zjadłem) better candy in my whole life.
I've never eaten
(nie idź!) to that house! They say it's haunted!
don't go
Most of the scary books (zostało kupionych) by your mum - that's surprising, isn't it?
were bought
I (nie zamierzam iść) sleep tonight - I want to watch 6 horror films!
am not going to go/am not going to
The monster (pobiegł) into the dark forest.