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The particles in the colloid will scatter the light. This effect is called?
Tyndall Effect
Give 3 examples of Mixtures that are useful in everyday life
What is the difference between a Solution and Suspension?
How will you differentiate Heterogeneous Mixture from Homogeneous Mixture?
Give 3 examples of Colloids
What are the 2 component of Colloid?
Colloidal/Dispersed Particles and Dispersing Medium
What are colloids?
It is a type of mixture with particles that are larger than those in solutions but are not heavy enough to settle down.
Give 2 examples of Suspension
What are the 2 components of Solution?
Precipitate and Supernatant
What is Suspension?
It is a heterogeneous mixture containing a liquid in which visible particles settle.
Give 3 examples of solution
What do you call the salt and water solution?
Saline Solution
What are the 2 components of Solution?
Solvent and Solute
What is solution?
These are homogeneous mixture with particles so small that they cannot be seen with a microscope and will never settle to the bottom of the container.
Give 3 examples of heterogenous mixture
Give 3 examples of homogenous mixture
What is a heterogenous mixture?
A mixture that has different or non-uniform composition throughout its mass.
What is a homogenous mixture
A mixture that has same or uniform composition throughout its mass.
When do we consider a substance as NOT MIXTURE?
whenever you combine two or more substances and a chemical reaction occurs, the result isn’t a mixture
What kind of mixture is blood?
Does seawater considered as mixture? Why or Why not?
Seawater is a complex mixture of 96.5 percent water, 2.5 percent salts, and smaller amounts of other substances
Give 3 edible mixtures
Lemon juice and tea. Honey and tea. Milk and chocolate. Coffee and cream. Cream and sugar. Flour and butter. Cereal and milk.
How will you differentiate Mixtures from compounds?
The amount of substance in a mixture is not fixed; thus, they are not chemically combined.
What is a mixture?
When two or more substances mix with each other without participating in a chemical change, the resulting substance is called a Mixture.