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Size- Color-Nouns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Alex's like a bag of/ receal/ delicious.
Alex'd like a bag of delicious cereal.
Mary'd like a new/ yellow/handbag/and black/ small
Mary's like a new small yellow and black handbag.
He'd like a/ yellow/melon/medium
He 'd like a medium yellow melon.
He's sailing in a/boat/little/red.
He's sailing in a little red boat.
You need a/ red/onion/big.
You need a big red onion.
We'd like a/green/cucmber/long.
We'd like a long green cucumber.
She's playing with a/small/ball/blue.
She's playing with a small blue ball.
We sail in a/yellow/ kayak/ small.
We sail in a small yellow kayak.
It's a/ cat/ big and cute.
It's a big and cute cat.
She's wearing a/ short/ jeans/ red
She is wearing a short red jeans.
It's a/ train/long/blue
It's a long blue train.
She has a/ black/long/ hair/ hair.
She has a long black hair.