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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is the prime minister a man or a woman?
Mette Frederiksen is female and the youngest prime minister in Danish history
Does Denmark have a monarchy?
Yes! Queen Margrethe II
Is Denmark part of the EU?
What currency do they use in Denmark?
What language do they speak in Copenhagen?
What does the Freetown Christiana have?
workshops, art galleries, concert halls, organic food markets
When did the amusement park Tivoli Gardens first open? a) 1843 b)1906 c)1952
Stroget has one of the longest streets in the world for: a) art galleries b) cycling c) shopping
What does Nyhavn have? a) The best bike shops b) restaurants and cafés c) gardens
restaurants and cafés
Copenhagen has the oldest...in the world
Amusement park
What was Copenhagen voted in 2013?
The happiest city in the world
The statue of which famous author can be found in City Hall Square?
Hans Christian Anderson
It has a population of approximately....
Copenhagen is the capital city of...