Edit Game
B1+ - Lesson 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Report the following sentence using reported speech: “I’ll send your boss the photos if you don’t give me the money.”
He said he would send my boss the photos if I didn’t give him the money.
Complete the missing prepositions: My sister rarely pays ______ anything
Complete the missing prepositions: Can you turn the music ______ please, I have a headache
off OR down
Complete the missing prepositions: The meeting was put ______ until next week
Complete the missing prepositions: Last lesson I had to borrow a pencil _______ Nerissa
Read these numbers perfectly: 52,000,000 12.75 -75°C £27.50
Teacher answer
You rest your head on this on your bed
Someone who travels on public transport is a ___________
This keeps your house warm in the winter
central heating
The room under your house is the _________
This is made from wood and goes around the garden
The English word for siepe
Something electric used to boil water
a kettle
Something on your window that you pull down to block out the light
a blind
What is the English word for traghetto?
Would you mind to lend me your bicycle?
Would you mind lending me your bicycle?
When you were phoning me yesterday I walked home
When you phoned me yesterday I was walking home
He said me he was tired
He told me he was tired
I have none money
I have no money
I use to walk to school but now I get the bus
I used to walk to school but now I get the bus
If I could go anywhere, I will go to Thailand
If I could go anywhere, I would go to Thailand
She will can come when she has finished her homework
She will come when she has finished her homework OR She can come when she has finished her homework
I haven’t a brother
I haven’t got a brother OR I don't have a brother
He is taller than I
He is taller than me
I’ve lived in Palmi since ten years
I’ve lived in Palmi for ten years
She doesn’t eat meat, doesn’t she?
She doesn’t eat meat, does she?
How many money do you have?
How much money do you have?
Do you walk usually to school?
Do you usually walk to school?
He’ll be late for work if he won't hurry up
He’ll be late for work if he doesn't hurry up
I’ve been knowing him for 5 years
I’ve known him for 5 years
They mustn’t be Spanish, I saw them talking Italian
They can't be Spanish, I saw them talking Italian
As soon as you will get your exam results, call me
As soon as you get your exam results, call me