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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are the following nouns countable or uncountable? 1.News 2. Advice 3. Luggage 4. Information
Complete this text by writing a, an, the or '-' if no article is needed in the gaps.
1.the 2.an 3.the 4.- 5.a 6.a 7.- 8.the 9.the 10.- 11.the 12.a
Choose the correct options: This is my first student job/work, and I'm a part-time hospital porter. It's hard physical job/work and it's not exactly fun, but first jobs/works usually aren't.
job / work / jobs
Choose the correct option to fill in the gap: "The interviewers will ____ into consideration your experience and qualifications." A) Take B) Make C) Have D) Put
A) Take
What is a synonym for the verb "to discover"?
To find out
Choose the correct option to fill in the gap: "I have no time to ___ this week as my schedule is very tight." A) Take B) Pass C) Miss D) Spare
D) Spare
Choose the correct option to fill in the gap: "I should be focused if I want to ____ my deadline." A) Meet B) Keep C) Make D) Do
A) Meet
Which verb is missing in the following expression: make, or do?: "You should choose the course you want to ____ before next Monday."
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one using the word given. You must use between 2 and 5 words.
Your English would not get better unless your teacher pointed out your mistakes.
What's the meaning of the verb "to attend"?
What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to put off"?
Aplazar, posponer
What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to point out"?
Destacar, señalar, apuntar
Fill in the gaps by writing too, too many, too much or enough: The school canteen is ____ small for everyone to eat lunch at the same time. Moreover, students don't take ____ interest in their diets. They eat _____ fries and _____ sugar.
too, enough, too many, too much
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one using the word given. You must use between 2 and 5 words.
I have never eaten such a good meal before.
Fill in the gaps with the words food, dish or meal: A good part of the ___ grown here is used in the school's daily ___, which includes a wide range of elaborate ____ .
food, meal, dishes
Complete the sentence by writing the verbs in brackets in the correct form: When I ____ (arrive) in Nairobi, I wasn't allowed into the country because I ____ (lose) my passport.
arrived / had lost
True or False? : "We use the past perfect along with the past simple to indicate that something happened before something else in the past."
Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition (in, on, at): ____ July, the museum opens ____ 11 a.m. ___ the website there are no tickets available ___ Tuesday morning, so we can book them ____ the afternoon.
In July, the museum opens at 11 a.m. On the website there are no tickets available on Tuesday morning, so we can book them in the afternoon.
Choose the correct options: My mum used to visit / was visiting lots of exotic places when she was/was being a tour guide.
used to visit / was
True or False?: "Used to" describes a habit or typical situation in the past that has changed or is different at present.
True or False?: "Past continuous is used to describe actions that were happening at a specific time in the past."
True or False?: "Past simple is used to describe actions that were happening at a specific time in the past."
False. The past simple describes completed actions in the past.
Choose the correct option to fill in the gap: "Among Brian's many interests, he lists foreign _____ and climbing." A) Journeys B) Travel C) Trips D) Visits
B) Travel
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one using the word given. You must use between 2 and 5 words.
My bicycle was far less expensive than yours.
Adjectives with -ed and -ing. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a word with -ed or -ing: We were quite _____ by the attitude of the other students. PUZZLE
Adjectives with -ed and -ing. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a word with -ed or -ing: Everyone watches Pietro at parties because he's just an _____ dancer. ASTONISH
What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to take up"?
Comenzar, empezar algo
Making comparisons. Finish the following sentence: "It's becoming more and more..."
It's becoming more and more + adjective + infinitive verb + additional information. Ex: It's becoming more and more difficult to park in the city.
Making comparisons. Correct the mistake in the following sentence: "When you play chess, you have to think more hardly than when you're playing videogames".
When you play chess, you have to think harder than when you're playing videogames.
Making comparisons. Choose the correct option: My goals when I was at school were a bit more / some more realistic I think.
A bit more
Which verb is missing in the following expression: make, or do?: "He had to ____ a phone call."
Which verb is missing in the following expression: make, or do?: "This weekend, I'm hoping to ____ some outdoor activities."
Write a synonym for the following term: "the housework"
The (household) chores / the housekeeping
True or False?: "The difference between present perfect simple and continuous is that the continuous emphasizes the duration of an action/situation"
True or False? : "Present perfect simple is used to talk about recent completed actions"
Which word can we use to refer to all our brothers and sisters?
What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to bring (somebody) up"?
What's the meaning of the collocation " a lack of (something)"?
La falta de (algo)
Which of the following adjectives could be either positive or negative?
Sensitive, strict
What are the 3 different meanings of the phrasal verb "to pick up"?
 Recoger, recolectar, escoger
What's the meaning of the phrasal verb "to clear up"?
Despejar, ordenar