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B5L2 Food Delivery Apps Make Life Easier

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Do you think food delivery apps are necessary in the modern life? Why or why not?
Yes, because.../ No, because...
Have you ever used food delivery apps?
Yes, I have./ Yes, I have tried once./ No, I haven't./ No, I never have.
From the reading, when are people most likely to use food delivery apps?
When they are sick or tired, or they want to stay at home or offices.
What is the author thinking of food delivery apps?
He or she likes food delivery apps a lot.
From the reading, do you need to pay for delivery services?
Yes, we do.
Besides time and convenience, what are the other reasons?
The cost. / More choices.
From the reading, why are food delivery apps are convenient and helpful.
With them, people do not need to cook. That can help when people are sick or tired.
From the reading, we can know people don't like to stand in line at the restaurants. (True or False)
In Taiwan, only the number of young people using food delivery apps is growing up. (True or False)
False. The number of people of all ages using food delivery apps is growing up, not only the number of young people.
What percentage of young people in the USA use food delivery apps?
60%. 3 out of 5 young people in the USA use food delivery apps.