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EFHE Unit 2 Review
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Reading Skills: Details vs. Main Ideas) What's the difference between SKIMMING and SCANNING? When should I SKIM and when should I SCAN?
(Reading Skills: Details vs. Main Ideas) Skim the following paragraph and tell me the main idea + 2 details from the reading
(Reading Skills: Details vs. Main Ideas) - What is the difference between a main idea and a detail in a reading passage? How do I tell them apart?
(Writing Process) When submitting assignments to Teacher Chris (and future BUV professors), will they know if I CHEATED by PLAGIARISING another paper I COPIED from the internet?
(a) Yes - The teachers have a lot of practice reading student essays & know when you're cheating (b) No - my brain is too big and I'm too clever to be caught
(Writing Process) What THREE Things should every paragraph have?
Topic Sentence, Explanation, Supporting ideas + details, concluding Sentence (conclusion)
(Writing Process) Put the following 5 steps in order, and give a brief explanation of each step. (For all of you, submitting = publication)
(Grammar: Simple Past Tense) Conjugate the following IRREGULAR Verbs: 1) Drive, 2) Bring, 3) Teach, 4) Read, 5) have
Drive - Drove, Bring - brought, teach - taught, read - read, have - had
(Grammar: Simple Past Tense) When do we use the simple past tense? ( at least three of four situations)
(Grammar: Simple Past Tense)
I WENT to the cinema three times last week.
(Analyzing Problems) Internet usage has become widespread in modern life, yet many wonder if young children should be allowed unrestricted access due to the danger of violent content, online bullying and explicit material on the internet.
(Analyzing Problems) Some people argue that we should allow students to study the subjects they're most interested in at school, while others say students must study a variety of subjects (Science, Math, Literature, History, etc.).
(Analyzing Problems) Many people argue that children aren't getting a proper education by studying online. Is there any solution to improve student learning while studying online?
(Famous Inventors) What did he invent?
Tesla Electric Cars + SpaceX
(Famous Inventors) What did he invent/discover?
He was the first to patent the electrical lighbulb
(Famous Inventors) What did he invent?
One of the first modern electrical supply systems