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C1 Media Collocations and Frequently Confused Wo ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I was offered to stay in the company I'd done an internship at, I seized the chance/opportunity and accepted the job.
Only OPPORTUNITY is correct.
I was so exhausted after uni that the first thing I did was lie/lay down on the coach.
Only LIE is correct.
Vegetarian food is a fantastic way to reduce our carbon footprint, but it's not precisely economic/economical.
Only ECONOMICAL is correct.
Before starting to work in my company, I was made to attend/assist several workshops.
Only ATTEND is correct.
The sea level has raised/risen by 20cm in the last couple of years.
Only RISEN is correct.
The name of this restaurant clearly infers/implies that you can eat Japanese food.
Only IMPLIES is correct.
One of my workmates grew up/brought up in Dublin
Only GREW UP is correct.
My best friend is not exactly the sensible/sensitive type.
BOTH are correct.
Run/Cover/Promote/Tell a news story on TV
Draft/Edit/Broadcast/Research a magazine article
Carry/Print/Feature/Show a newspaper story
Broadcast/Perform/Read/Report the news on TV
Publish/Submit/Send in/Contribute a photo to a magazine
Show/Put/Present/Schedule a TV program