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Transformations E8

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I hope there (be) ..... a lot of people at my birthday party next Saturday.
I hope there WILL BE a lot of people at my birthday party next Saturday.
Elsie, (czy odwiedziłaś) ..... Mrs Johnson yesterday?
Elsie, DID YOU VISIT Mrs Johnson yesterday?
My class teacher asked us (żeby pomóc) ..... her with collecting money for charity.
My class teacher asked us TO HELP her with collecting money for charity.
Amy, this jam is (zbyt słodki) ..... . I can’t use it for this cake.
Amy, this jam is TOO SWEET. I can’t use it for this cake.
I promise that I (nie zadzwoniÄ™) ..... you so late next time!
I promise that I WON'T CALL you so late next time!
We will finish this project on Monday. (BE)
This project will be finished on Monday.
How much is petrol in Poland? (COST)
How much does petrol in Poland COST?
My best friend is much (good / geography) ..... than anyone else in our class.
My best friend is much BETTER AT GEOGRAPHY than anyone else in our class.
I learned to swim when I (be / six / year) ..... old.
I learned to swim when I WAS SIX YEARS old.
If we (not / hurry) ..... up, we’ll miss the bus.
If we DON'T HURRY up, we’ll miss the bus.
There (be / three / egg) ..... in the fridge. To make pancakes we need to buy milk and flour.
There ARE THREE EGGS in the fridge. To make pancakes we need to buy milk and flour.
In my opinion science fiction books are (interesting / than) ..... historical novels.
In my opinion science fiction books are MORE INTERESTING (LESS INTERESTING) THAN historical novels.
The brown sneakers are more comfortable than the white ones. (LESS)
The white sneakers are less comfortable than the brown ones.
The Chinese invented paper. (BY)
Paper was invented by the Chinese.
Sue doesn’t run as fast as Molly. (THAN)
Sue runs slower than Molly.
I haven’t been to China. (NEVER)
I have never been to China.
As a teenager he was very shy. (BE)
He used to be very shy as a teenager.
In my opinion you should help her. (WERE)
If I were you, I'd help her.
All people were having fun at the party. (EVERYBODY)
Everybody was having fun at the party.
I haven’t bought anything since I started shopping. (NOTHING)
I have bought nothing since I started shopping.
I’m too weak to lift this box. (ENOUGH)
I'm not strong enough to lift this box.
I’m intending to travel to Colombia. (GOING)
I'm going to travel to Colombia.
I don’t have any time. (NO)
I have no time.
You won’t pass the exam if you don’t study harder. (UNLESS)
You won’t pass the exam unless you study harder.
New York is bigger than Warsaw. (AS)
Warsaw isn't as big as New York.