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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Braxton _________ bring lunch tomorrow, there will be free food.
doesn't have to
My friend Harper _________ tell me what homework we have for tomorrow.
has to
We _________ study English.
have to
You _________ remember Joel he _________ come today, it is closed.
have to / doen's have to
My family _________ book for dinner at the restaurant.
has to
I am late, I _________ look for my keys.
have to
Alex _________ wait for her sister, she is already at home.
doesn't have
_________ you _________ buy some fruit?
Do you have to
Laura and I _________ go to the doctor tomorrow, we have a date.
have to
My brother _________ help me, I know how to do it.
doesn't have to
Sara and Pablo _________ be on time, if not they will get punished.
have to
You _________ come with me, I need you.
have to
No, he _________
Yes, we _________
_________ he _________ study this weekend?
Does he have to
I _________ go because they didn't call me.
don't have to
________ they _________ bring their homework?
Do they have to
It _________ be my sister, I was waiting her call.
has to
You _________ come with us, we can go alone.
don't have to
We ______ go to the mountain this weekend.
have to