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Subtraction Strategies

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the related addition equation to 8-5=3?
3+5=8 or 5+3=8
What is the related subtraction equation to 4+5=9 ?
9-5=4 or 9-4=5
Write the fact family for 9,3,6
3+6=9, 6+3=9, 9-6=3, 9-3=6
Mike had 9 pokemon cards. His friend Sam gave him some more. Now Mike has 14 pokemon cards. How many cards did Sam give Ben?
Sam gave Mike 5 pokemon cards.
Ben had 5 pop its. Kayla had 9 pop its. How many more pop its does Kayla have than Ben?
Kayla has 4 more pop its.
Use the ten frame to subtract. 11-6
Use the ten frame to subtract. 17-9
Count back to subtract. 11-4
Start at 11 and hop back 4, 8
Count on to subtract. 15-6
Start at 6 and hop to 15. Count your hops. 9
Count on to subtract 18-9
Hop from 9 to 18 and count your hops . 9
Count back to to subtract 14-7.
Start at 14 and hop back 7. 7