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Conductors vs insulators
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Should I use copper wires to connect my lights to the switch or should I use rubber wires? Explain your answer.
Copper because it is conductive.
Is this conductive or insulate material?
True or false: Putting a silver spoon in an electrical circuit is a smart idea.
False. Don't ever do this!
Is this an insulator or conductor?
T. Cash wants to build a house made completely from glass, including the wires for the lights. Is this a good idea? Explain your answer.
No, because glass is an insulator and not a conductor.
Define a conductor
Conductors are materials that let electricity flow through.
Define an insulator.
Insulators are things that do NOT let electricity flow through a circuit.
True or false: oil is a conductor
True or false: sea water is a conductor
True or false: glass is a conductor
Name 2 electrical insulators
rubber, glass, oil, diamond, drywood, etc
Name 2 electrical conductors
silver, gold, copper, sea water, steel, etc
Is this a conductor or insulator?
True or false: Silver is conductive.