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Early Egypt

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Papyrus a valuable crop for the Ancient Egyptians. Papyrus was used to make ____.
After pharaohs died, where were they thought to go?
to an eternal afterlife
What was the importance of the discovery of the Rosetta Stone?
The Rosetta Stone helped us figure out the meaning of hieroglyphics.
Who were the individuals responsible for using hieroglyphics to record information?
What subject besides engineering did the Egyptians use to construct the pyramids?
Egyptian ruler was called a...
A mythological beast with the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh or god.
How was Egypt protected from invasion?
The delta to the north, cataracts to the south and the deserts to the east and west.
What caused the decline and fall of the Egyptian empire? (3 kingdoms)
Pharaoh's loss of power(the pharaohs fought costly wars and were overthrown) and Invaders
Which river flows through the center of Egypt?
Nile River
What are the dangerous, fast-moving waterfalls on the Nile called?
What is it called when the religious leader is also the leader of the government?
What was the purpose of mummifying the dead?
The preservation of the body gave the soul a place to live in the afterlife
What is the belief in more than one god called?
Polytheistic Religion
Why were the pyramids built?
as tombs for the pharaohs
What is ancient Egyptian writing called?
In order to know how to achieve life after death and burial practices, the ancient Egyptians read what books? (2 books)
The Book of Dead and the Pyramid Texts
Ramses the Great ruled Egypt as a Pharaoh and accomplished many great things. Two of things he is known for is_____.
long reign as Pharaoh and building great monuments, cities and temples
What were the roles of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt?
communicate with gods and make all decisions (religion, military, government)
Which of these is the correct order of Egyptian Society from highest to lowest? --------- workers, priests, farmers, scribes, pharaoh
pharaoh, priests, scribes, farmers, workers.
Which pharaoh of Ancient Egypt defied tradition and ruled as a woman for over 20 years?
In ancient Egypt, this word was used to describe a series of rulers who shared a common family
Where was most of the fertile land in Egypt located?
the delta
Which direction did the Nile River flow?
from south to north
Who brought the kingdom of Lower and Upper Egypt together through conquest and marriage?
King Menes