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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Improve the following question: The expression on his face showed how he felt.
Improve the following question: The high taxes on imported goods are intended to protect domestic producers.
The event is scheduled to_________ at noon tomorrow. A. campaign B. reveal C. occur
C. occur
We just want to put that embarrassing _______ behind us. A. investigation B. evidence C. incident
C. incident
He's always willing to ________ for what is right. A.argue B. defend C. accuse
We were thinking of buying that house, but our lawyer________ against it. A.revealed B.advised C. investigated
He was____________ for his involvement in the incident. A. argued B. occured C. investigated
C. investigated
There was a time when women were ____________ for the right to vote. A. campaigning B. defending C. demanding
A. campaigning
His boss_______________ him for his sloppy work habits.  A. argued B. revealed C. criticized
C. criticized
The company must_________ its own interests. A. reveal B. defend C. demand
B. defend
Anything you say may be used as __________ against you. A. evidence B. incident C. figure
The company launched a____________ to protect the area from commercial development.      A. demand B. evidence C. campaign
C. campaign
The walls of the cave are covered with drawings of  human and animal__________. A. advises B.figures C. incidents
B. figures
Improve the following sentence: An incident happened at noon yesterday September 29th, 2021
McDonalds was _____ of not warning the woman of the hot coffee before handling it to her. A. accused B. defended C. investigated
A. accused
Joe Biden ______ for his presidential office. A. campaigned B. argued C. demanded
C. demanded
Improve the following sentence: A weird thing occurred at noon yesterday September 29th, 2021