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6A - Beginners
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My dad ______ a new laptop. (need)
My dad needs a new laptop.
My mother ______ in an office. (not work)
My mother doesn't work in an office.
The boy ______ Spanish at home. (study)
The boy studies Spanish at home.
The girl ______ dogs. (not like)
The girl doesn't like dogs.
He ______ a beautiful cat. (have)
He has a beautiful cat.
She ______ a new cellphone. (want)
She wants a new cellphone.
He ______ English very well. (not speak)
He doesn't speak English very well.
She ______ coffee for breakfast. (drink)
She drinks coffee for breakfast.
My dad ______ Japanese food. (eat)
My dad eats Japanese food.
My mother ______ nice books. (not read)
My mother doesn't read nice books.
The boy ______ to songs on his iPod. (listen)
The boy listens to songs on his iPod.
The girl ______ TV in the afternoon. (watch)
The girl watches TV in the afternoon.
He ______ breakfast at home. (not have)
He doesn't have breakfast at home.
She ______ in a flat. (live)
She lives in a flat.