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Blank 4th Grade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which character from the stories we read would you say is always looking for fun.
Mo the creature
Did Mo miss his home planet? Tell me how you know.
Yes, A tear fell from his eye.
What kind of trait is the color of your eyes and hair?
Outside trait
After Juanita gave Edwin the flower and that didn't stop him yelling at the crowd, did that stop Juanita from being kind to Edwin?
No, She was already thinking of what to bring Edwin tomorrow.
Why was Juanita bothered about Edwin?
She was bothered that Edwin was so angry all the time
When Juanita give Edwin the flower did that stop him yelling at people?
What actions does Edwin do to show that he is angry?
Tells people to "Move it" and yells at the crowds in the subway
How did Edwin feel after Juanita gives him the flower?
Give three inside traits of Juanita.
good citizen, bothered, nice, thoughtful, respectful, caring, forgiving, and kind
Give reason why you would say Juanita is thoughtful.
answer may vary
Who was the main character in the story A Flower for Edwin?
list at least three outside character traits
hair color, how tall/short, eye color, kind of clothing or other answers
list at least three inside character traits
kind, clumsy, or any other answer
What can you tell about Mo based on his actions in the story?
He likes to try new things.
What causes Fox's mood to change?
Groundhog is friendly and kind to him.
List some events that happened to Fox that made us believe he was clumsy
spilled his tea all over the floor, tripped on a chair, stubbed his paw and ripped a hole in his shirt
How did Groundhog greet Fox?
He had a wide smile on his face, pulled Fox in for a gentle hug and exclaimed about how beautiful the cake was.
What did Fox learn in the story?
Your day may start out bad but it can turn around to a good day.
Extra Points
Give two inside traits of Fox.
grumpy, creative, overthinker, friendly, cheerful, brave. kind, positive, or clumsy
Who did Fox go visit with a lemon and blackberry cake?
Give 2 inside character traits of Mo.
creative, happy, fun, caring, successful, smart or kind
What planet is Mo from?
We couldn't speak to each other, but we drew pictures on the sidewalk with ___________ to communicate.
Who has purple skin, no hair and six eyes?
Mo the creature