Edit Game
8th Grade Unit 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My friend loves extreme sports. What is her personal trait?       A) Loyal B) Determined C) Sneaky D) Adventurous
She is adventurous.
Choose one of the options: Accept-Refuse-Invitation ---> How about watching a movie?
Choose one of the options: Accept-Refuse-Invitation ---> Why not?
Choose one of the options: Accept-Refuse-Invitation ---> It sounds awesome.
Choose one of the options: Accept-Refuse-Invitation ---> I can’t miss that chance.
Choose one of the options: Accept-Refuse-Invitation ---> Oh, thanks. I’m too busy on that day.
Choose one of the options: Accept-Refuse-Invitation ---> I can’t refuse this offer.
I share all my secrets with İbrahim because I can _____ him.                                                        A) back up B) get up C) count on D) order
count on
Sema never shares my secrets with other people. What is her personality trait?                          A) Reliable B) Unreliable C) Fair D) Sneaky
What is the name of this soup?
Lentil soup.
Is it a beverage or soup?
It is beverage.
Is it a main course or a dessert?
It is a dessert.
What is the name of this event?
Slumber party.
What is the name of this place?
Amusement park.
A bad friend is an aggressive person. It is true or false?
A good friend is a sneaky person. Is it true or false?
A good friend is an honest person. Is it true or false?
My friend always buys me some drinks and food. What is her personality?                             A) Arrogant B) Mean C) Generous D) Tactful
She is generous.
Alice always talks about herself and she only thinks of herself. What is her peronal trait?                                                    A) Self-centered B) Aggressive C) Fair D) Loyal
Alice is self-centered.
My friend buys me gifts because he thinks that I will like it. What is his personal trait?                                                        A) Understanding B) Adventurous C) Tactful D) Aggressive
He is tactful.
My friend never tells lies to me. What is her personal trait?        A) Honest B) Stubborn C) Generous D) Jealous
She is honest.