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Hands are for

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are so many clothes to do laundry. how can you use your hands to help ?
Your friends or some relatives are coming to visit you. your parents are busy with cleaning and cooking, how can you use hands to help them?
If your sibling or friend fell down, how can you show your kindness?
How can you use your hand when u are going to sneeze or cough when you are playing with your friends?
If your sibling or friend spilled milk on ground and sad, what can you do with you hands to make them happy?
If there are so many dishes left on table after dinner, how can you help with your hands?
Your sibling or friend is sad for some reason. What can you do to make them happy?
I'm proud of you!!!
you did a craft with your siblings, friend or parents. There are so many bits of paper on floor. how can you use your hands in useful way?
After playing with your friend or sibling, what is the beast way to show your kindness with you hands?
Your mom or dad is holding grocery bags in both hands, how can you be kind to them??
If there is only one cookie left and there is sibling or friend with you. What will you do ?
yay!! Good job