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have you got?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ona nie ma tulipanów
She has not got tulips
Wy nie macie samochodu
You have not got a car
Oni nie majÄ… czekolady
They have not got chocolate
Ja nie mam baranka wielkanocnego
I have not got an Easter bunny
On nie ma bazi kotków
He has not got catkins
Ona nie ma ciemnych włosów
She has not got dark hair
My nie mamy ogrodu
We have not got a garden
My nie mamy psa
We have not got a dog
My mamy nowego laptopa
We have got a new laptop
Ja mam brata i siostrÄ™
I have got a brother and a sister
Wy macie ciemne włosy
You have got dark hair
On ma zielone oczy
He has got green eyes
Wy macie duży ogród
You have got a big garden
Oni majÄ… dwie Å‚azienki
They have got two bathrooms
My mamy duży dom
We have got a big house
Oni majÄ… kota
They have got a cat
Czy masz niebieskie oczy?
Have you got blue eyes?
Masz długie włosy?
Have you got long hair?
Czy on ma telefon?
Has he got a phone?
Czy wy macie tulipany?
Have you got tulips?
Czy oni majÄ… koszyczek wielkanocny?
Have they got an Easter basket?
Czy ona ma siostrÄ™?
Has she got a sister?
Masz brata?
Have you got a brother?
Czy ona ma rower?
Has she got a bike?