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AS1 Have got / Has got
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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- : I / 7 T-shirts.
I haven't got seven T-shirts.
- : He / 17 bikes.
He hasn't got seventeen bikes.
- : She / 16 trousers.
She hasn't got sixteen trousers.
+ : She / 14 toys.
She has got fourteen toys.
+ : He / 12 beds.
He has got twelve beds.
? : They / 11 bananas?
Have they got eleven bananas?
? : He / 19 pencils
Has he got nineteen pencils?
? : She / 15 chairs
Has she got fifteen chairs?
- : She / 18 chairs.
She hasn't got eighteen chairs.
+ : They / bags
They have got bags.
? : He / clock
Has he got a clock?
- : We / paintbrushed
We haven't got paintbrushes.
+ : He / bed
He has got a bed.
- : I / monkey
I haven't got a monkey.
? : She / desk
Has she got a desk?
+ : She / skirt
She has got a skirt.