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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Nick went to the pet shop. He get 10 bag of dog food and put it in the trolley. He also add 5 bag of dog treats into the trolley. How many things did Nick buy for his dogs from the pet shop?
Lila has won 4 medals during sports day. James also won 3 medals during sports day. What is the total number of medals have Lila and James won?
Anson have 4 black cats, 3 white cats and 5 orange cats. How many cats do Anson have altogether?
Joey used her bucket to build 8 sandcastles. Her younger sister build 3 sandcastles. What is the sum of sandcastles Joey and her younger sister have built?
Tasha has 7 lollipops. Tam have 5 lollipops more than Tasha. How many lollipops do Tam have?
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14 people are on the bus. 5 more people get on the bus. How many people are on the bus now?