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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of your coursebook?
Complete First for Schools
Which edition is your coursebook?
Second edition
What is the title of Unit 1 of your coursebook?
A family affair
How many parts of the Reading and Use of English are there?
How long do you have to complete the writing?
1 hour 20 minutes
What is part 4 of the listening exam?
An interview or conversation, with 7 pultiple choice questions
In which part of the speaking exam are you given written prompts and how many?
Part 3, 5
How many Vocabulary and Grammar Reviews are in your coursebook?
On which page of your coursebook does the Grammar reference start from?
Page 162
In which Unit of the coursebook will your learn about third and mixed conditionals?
Is there extra speaking practice in your coursebook?
Yes, from page 192
Where can you find help with writing?
There is a writing bank at the back of the book from page 202
Is there an online component to this coursebook?
There is extra online practice at cambridgelms.org/main
How many pages is the workbook?
What is your teachers name?