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Anne of green gables 5

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unexpected (adj)
Odd-looking (adj)
in a huff (n)
To acquiant oneself with (phr)
Varlık, mevcudiyet
Presence (n)
in a huff (n)
Dungeon (n)
Dry response (n)
Dry response (n)
Messy hair (adj + n)
To tremble (v)
Daunted (adj) -
Dungeon (n)
Discouraged (adj)
Odd-looking (adj)
Ä°ll-fitting (adj)
in a huff (n)
Orchard (n)
Busybody (n)
To acquiant oneself with (phr)
Yılmış halde
Daunted (adj) -
Messy hair (adj + n)
Dungeon (n)
Shrub (n)
To tremble (v)
in a huff (n)
Unexpected (adj)
To acquiant oneself with (phr)
Dağınık saç
Messy hair (adj + n)
Presence (n)
Busybody (n)
Ä°ll-fitting (adj)
Uygun olmayan
Ä°ll-fitting (adj)
Orchard (n)
Odd-looking (adj)
Daunted (adj) -
Tuhaf görünümlü
Odd-looking (adj)
Discouraged (adj)
To tremble (v)
Dry response (n)
Cesareti kırılmış, bezmiş
Discouraged (adj)
Presence (n)
Unexpected (adj)
Shrub (n)
Tanımak, Tanışmak
To acquiant oneself with (phr)
in a huff (n)
Dungeon (n)
Dry response (n)
MeÅŸgul kimse
Busybody (n)
Messy hair (adj + n)
To tremble (v)
Daunted (adj) -
Meyve bahçesi
Orchard (n)
Discouraged (adj)
Odd-looking (adj)
Ä°ll-fitting (adj)
Shrub (n)
Orchard (n)
Busybody (n)
To acquiant oneself with (phr)