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Dracula (MacMillan)

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What did Dracula make Mina do?
drink his blood
What did the three friends put in the boxes in Dracula's house?
holy bread
Why did Van Helsing hypnotize Jonathan?
to remember where Dracula's house was
One night, Mina found Lucy leaning out of the bedroom window. What was sitting beside Lucy?
a huge black bird
What was Mina's best friend's name?
What did Jonathan notice about the nails on Dracula's fingers?
long, pointed nails
What did Jonathan notice about Dracula's teeth?
long & sharp
What did Count Dracula look like?
tall, white hair, white face, dressed in black
Why did Count Dracula ask Jonathan to visit him in Transylvania?
he wanted to buy a house in England
What three things must be done to destroy a vampire?
1.find the place where he rested 2.put a stake through his heart 3.cut off his head
If you want to be protected from vampires, what should you always wear?
a Christian cross
If you want to be protected from vampires, what plant should you put in your house?
garlic plant
What do vampires usually do during the day?
Who is the author of "Dracula"?
Bram Stoker
Where is Transylvania?
in Romania