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Daily routine
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____he_________up at 6?
does/ get
_______he________to work by car?
does/ go
____you______to bed at 9?
do/ go
__________you_________lunch at work or at home?
do/ have
I always___________ in bed, before sleeping
read a book
I prefer to _______ at 10 everyday
go to bed
3rd graders_____________school at 8:30
Vanessa ______________work at 4 PM. She's very happy
These students___________________at the school cafeteria
have lunch
Anna is a doctor. She_________home at 9 so she can take the bus at 9.30
He__________________ with his family at 8
has breakfast
 He___________________ his teeth
He usually___________________early in the morning
gets up