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Red Riding Hood

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Why could everyone hear the wolf coming?
the woodcutter put some stones in the wolf's tummy, so they rattled inside him
How did the woodcutter rescue the girl and her granny?
he picked up some scissors, then he snipped open the wolf's tummy
The wolf snored so loudly... Who heard him?
the woodcutter
What did the wolf do when he gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother?
put on her pyjamas and climbed into bed
Where did the granny live?
in the cottage (on the other side of the woods)
What man did Little Red Riding Hood meet in the Woods?
a woodcutter
What were two rules of the Woods?
1. Keep to the path 2. Don't talk to wolves
What food did Little Red Riding Hood's mother ask her to take to the granny?
a pot of vegetable soup
Who did Little Red Riding Hood live with?
her mother
What piece of clothes did Little Red Riding Hood always wear?
a red cloak with a bright red hood