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Can I buy it?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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One slice of pizza costs Rs. 59. Pay for this slice to eat it.
Well done!
Yippee noodles packets costs Rs. 23 in total. Pay to eat this yummy food.
Well done!
Kurkure packets costs Rs. 45 in total. Pay to eat this yummy crunchy snack.
Well done!
The dining sets price is around Rs. 106. Pay the correct amount.
Well done!
These headphones costs for Rs. 215. Please pay the correct amount to buy this amazing headphones.
Well done!
These princess shoes costs Rs. 255. Pay the correct amount to buy this beautiful pair.
Well done!
These pair of lightening shoes costs Rs. 350. Pay the correct amount to buy this beautiful pair.
Well done!
The price for this lovely easel board is Rs. 400. To buy this play the correct amount.
Well done!
The spiderman backpack costs Rs. 239. Pay the correct amount to buy this bag.
Well done!
These color sketch pens costs Rs. 52. Pay the correct amount.
Well done!
This beautiful notepad and pens costs Rs. 45. Pay the correct amount.
Well done!